Sunday, July 18, 2010

The love of all things small and automotive.

Originally uploaded by Another Good Thing
There's nothing like a trip to Europe to make one appreciate small cars. We saw more Smart cars than you'd imagine, and lots that looked like this one.. kind of clown car-ish.
Seriously. Isn't it CUTE?
I have grown tired of the bigger is better American mentality for years, regarding our automobiles, and having recently moved from a 7 person Domestic SUV to a 2+2 European coupe, I speak from experience.
I can make a Costco run in my little car just as well as in the SUV. I did have to rent a truck at the Home Depot to bring back yard products, but that was 20 bucks well spent. Every day that i don't visit the gas station, I pat myself on the back for going smaller.
Needless to say, without the large dog in the mix, this automotive decision is easier, and I feel a bit hypocritical, as we still use the SUV for long trips and carting extra children, but the beast has long been paid off and refuses to die a natural death.
So, until then, I will continue to admire and push the smaller vehicle. A smaller, SAFETY conscious vehicle to my children. Better yet, a smaller, safer, greener vehicle.

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