Friday, March 19, 2010

Drunkorexia? For real???

Yes, like that annoying bad texter, I used a whole bunch of ????
And also?
I am timely.
Spring Break. PMS. Feeling fat. First day of Spring. Countdown to swimsuit weather. Friday! Hello?

And no, I didn't make up the term. It's when you- women mostly- substitute alcohol calories for food calories.
this chick cautions college students. And this article goes much deeper.

 Thing is, Drunkorexia has been the diet of Hollywood for years, just ask Lilo, Britney and Tara Reid.


Unknown said...

I don't think you could have chosen any better examples of what happens to attractive women who trade food for alcohol, though I would guess that they didn't limit themselves to booze...

freckletree said...

i had no idea that there was a name for my diet.