Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Most Viewed Blog. And A Teaser.

 I changed the layout a bit here, bop around and see if you like it.

And as a bow to the old days, I thought I would share with you my most viewed post... maybe it's the pictures? Had to laugh to see the Middle Eastern hits on that one. Really??

 I am also back to also posting on THE OTHER OTHER GOOD THING,

and trying to wrap my mind around final, final edits on the contemporary detective novel, 3 Women Walk into a Bar, while shoving copious notes on the WIP mystery series aside and trying to tell myself to slow down and breathe...

Yep. Just another day in my world.

What's the teaser, you ask?
 Well, it's another sort of wrap.
 The conclusion of the first writebythewater.com  WRITERS RETREAT
writers retreat
You can read all of Gwen's posts here and you can read how you can join us a writer in at the retreat in February here.

But mostly you can be jealous that a bunch of writers shared a beach house, had a great time, and wrote like crazy.

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