Monday, March 31, 2008

A dud. But wait, found money.

Hello Internet. Can we talk?
So my weekend was pretty much a dud. Bunko was tame, a new found bar was tagged with potential, but didn't put out where I was concerned. hrmph. I was a bit depressed - some kind of bio-rhythm/former life trauma it might have been me.
A little shopping helped. Thank you Macy God. And the lights out thing was good. Happy endings and all that. Speaking of which- The Chinese food from the place was cool- you order online from 5 restaurants, pay with credit card and they go pick it up and bring it to you for 5 bucks. Awesome when you're in the middle of back to back movie time with August Rush and Gone Baby Gone.
Then I had a great workout, took a yoga class and found a $5 bill with a stamp.
Now I have something new to do when I'm supposed to be writing.Oh, no I'll still bop around with you, internet, don't you worry.

This month's winner is up early at scratch.
My winning entry for the Harvard dude's book won't be published online after all due to some problem with lawyers and rights... read assholes and what rights? but he said I can use his name on my resume and add the win to my list- cool. Now maybe I can guilt the guy into writing me a recommendation for Breadloaf... at least I can go sell that piece elsewhere-- oh, and my novel rewrites are a good 3/4 done. whew. I will feel deserving of Spring Break next week. AND my gal pals from high school are planning another getaway. Destination Unknown. See, internet. you do help. I feel so much better.


Family Adventure said...

I'm sorry the weekend was quite what you had envisioned.

I really enjoyed Gone Baby Gone - you?

I'm envious that you had a good workout. I'm sitting around getting fatter and fatter, and there isn't a thing I can do about it until I get back to Canada and can hit the treadmill and the gym again.

Sorry, this is turning into a rant. Hope you are having a better Monday.


dmarks said...

Good luck on the novel thing. Reminds me that I need to get working on mine again.

Churlita said...

sorry your weekend wasn't as amazing as you had hoped. Maybe next weekend will make up for it.

Victoria said...

August Rush and Gone Baby Gone are totally on my list.

As is working out.

My list is getting no love these days.

Gonna have to check that website for food. I'm lazy, but apparently my family *has* to eat.