Today is the last day of school for kids in Georgia, and I've let another year go by failing to fulfill my selfish desire--to return to bed after the kids leave.
I'm not sure WHY I can't do it. Something to do with the long list in my diary or the constant flow of ideas I can't shut off. It's not that I can't sleep. I've never suffered from insomnia, Thank God. I guess I'd just feel LAZY going back to bed for no real reason and lethargy breeds lethargy- so I fear once I'd lay down, that would be it- the end of my productive day.
Yesterday, during an impromptu MOMS MORNING IN party, after movie, mimosas and lemon drops and pastries a friend joked that she'd be ready for her nap by 1:00. It's weird, but I can't understand the whole long nap thing- especially when people do it in a chair or on a couch...if you're tired, drink coffee, exercise- or if you're sick and tired? Go to bed. Right? My family was never the napping type.
Don't get me wrong. Sometimes a nap is necessary. I used to be the queen of the cat nap. 10 minutes between jobs and I'd be good to go another 7 hours, serve another annoying crowd of drunks- and then go out partying afterward, but I've changed. I no longer need to work from 5-2 then 5-8 then 9 to 2.
My new schedule is more like write for 3 hours, do family stuff for 2 hours, write for 3 hours then do household stuff for 3 hours, personal stuff for an hour, more family stuff for 3 hours, watch TV for 1-2 hours then go to bed and read for an hour then sleep for 6. It works for me and I can't tell you how much work I get done in a quiet house when the whole rest of the world is sleeping. But my list is never completely crossed off...
Maybe tomorrow I'll convince my pea brain that it's Saturday and sleep in.
I love naps. Maybe it's that single mom thing, because I get the kids to school, work all day, run the kids everywhere and go to all their practices and performances. I try to work in a run sometime, but if I want to get any writing done, I have to stay up WAY too late. So, I fantasize about naps...Only if I do get one, it's in my bed.
oh. i love going back to bed after I've dropped MQ off at school. i need to be pretty tired to do it, and it doesn throw the day off, but it's a nice treat once in a while, or when I'm sick.
I love sleeping in after the kids go to school - I never have a problem with that - it is wonderful!
Have a good day - Kellan
Mmm. Naps. I looove to nap, but only get to indulge on the weekends. (It should be noted I have a horrible insomnia thing going, so naps are necessary in my life!)
I'm not a good napper myself. I find it very difficult to go to sleep during the day, when I could be doing x number of other things. Moreover, if I do nap, I am not able to sleep that night...
Hope you enjoyed your last day of peace and quiet...
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