Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First week of school and already...

one missed bus
one left behind lunch
one interaction with passive aggressive bus driver
two nights of homework
one afternoon begging for the pool
one rescheduled class photo
one parking lot pick up for doctor check up
one email from the teacher
two renegotiated chore contracts
three nights of early to bed
four days of uninterrupted mornings

one grateful, stress free mom


The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

I always love that Staples commercial where they sing "It's the most wonderful time of the year" as blissful parents toss school supplies into a shopping cart while pouting children follow behind. I don't have any kids, but if I did back to school time would be pretty terrific.

Churlita said...

We started school on Monday and we've already had a lockdown. Awesome.