Thursday, November 12, 2009

I went to the Asian Market for fresh produce, and I came home with shoes.

This is what I do.
Not everyone is this talented. Most ladies would just go to the Market, laugh at the weird fruits from China, totally avoid the stinky fish section and head straight for the 50 plus packages of Ramen Noodles.
I bought some massaging slippers and a bunch of frozen squid.


fit flops said...

You are just like my boyfriend. He just go for walk and come with shoes as he is crazy about shoes. I can say man will be always man..

Churlita said...

Ha ha. Those are some cute and comfy looking kicks.

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

They look like they could go either way - comfy or painful. I always come away from the Asian market wasting my money weird novelty candies and things that I buy because the packaging is cool that I will never eat or use. I'd get better bang for my buck with shoes.