Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stupid and GREAT things I saw this week.

Yes, it's been a while since I posted on this blog.

There have been updates on Twitter and sometimes on FaceBook-choose any of the assorted pages, but mostly I have been busy enjoying my family travel, summer and the new place.
 And then, there's that thing with my writing. Thanks for asking.
 After months of hard work and vodka, the shortened and revamped Three Women Walk into a Bar was sent up to the  the agent now for a read through, and I'm days away from completing the latest revisions on Grand Theft Cargo, so this can make the rounds in a whole new world of publishing.
 ( If you've been living under a rock, let me direct you to a few reading spots to catch up.
 Go on, I'll wait.

1. Golden Age, Shmolden Age.
2. What's a Hybrid Author? Does she still run on gas?
3. Holding tight to that 1% rise.
4. That thing with e-books, Apples and Amazonian Princesses.

 You're back, Great. Hope your head is still on straight.

Right then, back to the business at hand.

A flyer for a sandwich shop that delivers to my door.
Item: P&J ( peanut butter and jelly sandwich) cost $3.99

Let me be clear. No matter what my kids tell you, I do know how to spread peanut butter on bread. And it won't cost anywhere near $4.
 A man stealing puppies. By putting them in his pants.
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

I can only hope they are still teething.


This cool house decor item. And future DIY Project.
    This fab beer. Both for giving to that special man... and for imbibing.
 And these skittish little softies. ALPACAS!

Yep. As always, more good than stupid around here. It's what you choose to focus on.
 On that note.
I have missed you. I promise to not stay away so long in the future. I'm also looking for some new blogs to follow over here, that are not as book/ reader/ author/ writing oriented as the blogs I follow on my website. All ideas welcome.

See you soon.

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