Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Not quite Gone Girl. But, I was missing for three months.

 It wasn't on purpose. Well, not really. How do you fall out of habits, into habits?
 It used to be that the wonderful BlogHer folks would send me an email reminding me that I had not posted in two weeks. Imagine that? Two weeks without an update.
 But that was in the days where a blogger was like a Facebook friend. I had my list of favorites and I spent every other morning scrolling the list and catching up on my "pals."
Thing is, it can take a while to read a 1000 word post, watch their videos, or check out ALL the vacation photos...

After a while I began to resent the wasted hours and started seeing these bloggers as pathetic egotists, horrible spouses and generally bad parents. All right, not all of them but the ones with the most viewed- most controversial- posts.

 And there was the problem.
If I wouldn't be this person's friend in real life, why was I following their blog? Why couldn't I turn away from the train wrecks? And what did all that say about me and my blog?
 Yep. it got too deep.
 So, I weaned myself away. In the last three years I've moved off blogs and Facebook to Instagram, Pinterest and Vine. I swore to never start Tumblr, instead running away to Twitter, where, if you can't say it in a 130 characters, maybe you shouldn't be saying it at all.
 I can follow a thousand people's tweets, have conversations and still get all my errands done and keep the word count up on the novel in progress. It's fast and I love the hashtag freedom. Sure, it's tougher to build a true following, but it's freeing. And after all, it's not my job. it's just part of my social life.
 So, that's what I was doing the last three months. I was writing book two of the CARGO series. I was working on rewrites and a new "secret" project, or two.
 I was hiking in the mountains and backpacking in NC. I was designing and executing a patio. I taught myself how to sew drapes, hit a golf ball and finished decorating my daughter's bedroom, all between getting my son established in college- 2 sessions- 2 apartments, and coordinating all the things that need coordinating when you have vacation property.
 I'm trying to not feel obligated to blog here- or over on the writing site. But I do. Especially over there, where that space was designed for me to weigh in on career choices, on writing and writers I adore.
 If it weren't deemed important in the publishing industry to have an FB page- or three, ( for branding) I would delete it all.  Because young folks, cool folks, the next generation? They  aren't there. But. Old people like Facebook. And old people still read books. I know, because I'm one of them.

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